Saturday, May 29, 2010

Brand new blog..... again....

Hello, and welcome to a new blog. Yes another one.  This one is more along the lines of a journal chronicling a family's journey out of the rat race.  At this point we will be posting things that probably nobody really cares about, but perhaps it will have some future value for posterity's sake.

Where we're at now:
We are a middle class working family situated in small suburbia, slaves to a small house on a postage stamp.  Simply stated, we are tapping out.  Our ultimate goal is to go rural, and completely off grid.  Right now the challenges are daunting, and we will be forced to take baby steps initially.  One of the things we have been doing in the place we are now is backyard gardening.  I am somewhat new to permaculture, although being raised by a hillbilly has had it's advantages.  It may not be a big money saving sustainable enterprise at this time, but it is a learning experience.

At any rate this will be a place where we can post whenever we do something new, or simply commit our ideas to some other medium besides the air.  Hopefully we will gather those to join us on this journey, and wish to share the adventure.

Stay tuned!


  1. I am soooooooooooooo excited!!! Prayers going up & any help we can be of, don't hesitate to ask.

  2. Thank ye, nice to know someone's got yer back!
